Journalism: Sober or Yellow

In 1780s newspaper became popular in many parts of the world. Most of them shared common roots and ideologies since print was largely controlled by the colonists, but they all tried to come out of others in some way. One of the most popular way to do so, was to write cheesy headings, that contained news that would interest common people, in the front page and reserve more polished news, aimed for the intellectuals in the later pages. The model helped them very much as most of the distribution of paper happened via paper boys, stationed at different crossings, of the city. They would hawk the heading and the heading that attracted most attention would get the most audience. Even if the editor wanted to write something that was more serious then some petty news they could not do so in the front page, for that would ensure unsold pages at most publishing houses.

All of this changed for good when subscription-based models came into practice. In the 1850s newspapers started offering something game changing in the field of journalism. Now they provided subscription-based models, they would charge a nominal fee for some time period say 30 days and provide newspaper for that period. Now editors did not need to focus on those 1-1.5 min attention windows of potential readers, that hawking model provided rather they could provide intellectually stirring serious journalism, as now readers will not just buy newspaper subscriptions because they had some cheesy heading, but because they contained some serious writings. Since older newspapers were published in yellower pages, the older model of journalism was called yellow paging. While the newer journalism was more targeted towards intellectuals, so it was called sober journalism. Thus, there is no wonder that 1850s, saw the new age of revolutions and movements that created the fundamental standards of the society that we take for granted today, such as equality before law, or Universal Adult Franchise.

Fast forward to 2019, now we see a new paradigm shift in journalistic models. Now, again editors and journalists have to focus on 10-12 sec attention window of the users, since that is the average time that a user gives to a Internet or TV ad. They change their websites and channels faster than they moved there horse carts from hawking children in 1870s. So, again journalists have just a small window for that precious click of the user on the ad window. So again they are forced to succumb at the level of yellow paging to get our attention. Again in the digital age journalistic models have come a full circle, and it seems yellow paging have come again in the mainstream.

Thus I believe that the most needed pillar of democracy is the forth one-serious journalism. Because without it we will not be able to further any ideologies that attract intellectual attention, and mainstream journalistic space will be preoccupied with news that is made to attract attention rather than stir thoughts, motivated by partisan journalistic opinions that aim to further there own cause.