Open Blog

I have found that there are many services that help someone to write blog. Numerous alternatives are there, based on how much technical expertise you have and how much customization you want to have. Things like scratch-HTML websites to Jekyll themes to Wordpress and wix exists. You can also write in a different structure using sites like Reddit. Some of them are also open-sourced, but what I found amusing was that no popular blog provides a open-information framework. So basically what I mean by open-information is that services should provide, a good scrapping API, to get all the information in a single place. But, in practice, either the routing schemes a mess, or the script will get blocked after a couple of requests. This was very frustrating.

The use of open-information setup can be quite typical. For example if you wish to start a new blog, the chances of it taking off initially are low. Because, at the start there will be no content. Since there won’t be any content, there won’t be many people to write. So this will create a negative feedback loop, making the process of starting a new blog, tough. Thus there was a need for a service that will allow and provide for a good scrapping utility. So, that people can scrap it and seed good stock data in there services.

That is why I made a blog app that was not only open-sourced under the MIT License, but it also provides standard routing based scrapping API for open-information framework. The blog is made using Mongo-Express-Node-SemanticUI tech stack and is deployed on Heroku. The back-end database is deployed on a cluster of mongoDB atlas. The blog follows standard RESTful routing scheme, and supports full CRUD (create-read-edit-destroy) functionality. I also plan to soon write a good API service that can give data on the command line quite easily. As of now this can be achieved by simple curl based scripts. But a fuller cli-based experience is on the way!. The source code is available here . The live link of the website is available here .